
Friday 30 June 2017

The hanuted house

Haunted House
They was kids name are Brooklyn, Jack and Alex they went to the The Ghost is in the House. Then they went in the house the ghost kill Brookly. Then jack then Alex was sill a live and Alex went to the hosipil and Never went thir agian. when the Alex's Dad hard he went to the ghost house he burnt it down.


Wednesday 28 June 2017


                                         How many sisters are there?

What are their names?
Te Uru o Te Rangi, Tupua a Rangi, Tupua
Who do they visit?
The reappearance of the seven Matariki stars in late May or early June signals the beginning of the maori New year
Why do they visit?
A ‘quirk of latitude’ has led to Puanga being recognised, by some iwi, as the harbinger of the Māori New Year instead of Matariki.
\What does your whaea do for you?
help with cooking and doing the washing

Friday 23 June 2017

world wep

word web I did coconut palm becase harvst is made out of grass and hay I got leaf, harvest, grow, crop, fibre, bristles, fronds, broom, branches, wood, tree,leaves, plant, seed, coconut, fruit.

Wednesday 14 June 2017

place Value and Measurement line

                        Place Value and Measurement line
place Value and Measurement lien
Learning Intention
is to use the place Value and the number line.
What did you learn?
that 50 + 100 = 150.
How did you learn?
we started off with the number line.
Embedded Digital Learning Object
14 Jun 2017 14:37:12.jpg

Choose the subject:

Friday 9 June 2017

place value house and the Measurement line.

place value house and the Measurement line.

place value house and the Measurement line.
Learning Intention
is to use the place value house and the Measurement line.
What did you learn?
that 74 + 4  =  104
How did you learn?
by using the Measurement line.
Embedded Digital Learning Object
Screenshot 2017-06-09 at 11.32.00 AM.png

Choose the subject:
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Maths
  • Inquiry
  • Cybersmart
  • Sport

Choose a keyword from the learning intention. For example:
summarising, inferring, making predictions
recount, narrative, simple sentences, paragraphs
number bonds, times tables, fractions, addition, subtraction
water cycle, ecosystem, flight, Asia

[Donald Trump] Current events

                   [Donald Trump] Current events 


Thursday 8 June 2017

baby bear

                                                                       baby bear


baby bear is safe like a bat on a tree

Friday 2 June 2017

[geronimo] stilton] [comparison] Venn diagram

                                              Venn diagram

Learning Intention is to blog my Venn diagram.
What did you learn? I learned about  Venn diagrams.  Before we blogged the Venn diagram I had to read a book and write down all the things.
How did you learn? Mr Wong helped us to learn how to do it.

place Value and Measurement


For maths we did Place Value and Measurement and i thot that it was hard but it got eseyer.